Good Breeder Community

The support you and your dogs deserve

We provide a secure platform for vetted breeders to connect with serious Good Dog buyers and access breeder education and legal support

Members of our community get free access to...

  • Committed applicants

    Connect with Good Dog buyers ready for a dog

  • Sample dog contracts

    For puppy sales, co-ownerships, stud dogs and guardian homes

  • Exclusive discounts

    Free access to Your Litter A to Z ($497 value) and other partner discounts

The leading experts are with us (and you)

Meet some of our advisors and partners.
Dr. Robert Hutchison, DVM
Dr. Hutchison, DVM

Director of Canine Reproduction, Animal Clinic Northview

Brian Greenfield, DVM
Dr. Greenfield, DVM

Veterinarian and Partner at Animal Clinic Northview

Chris Zink holding dog
Dr. Zink, DVM, PhD

Canine sports medicine and rehabilitation expert

James Serpell
Dr. Serpell, BSc, PhD

Leading canine behavioral scientist and co-creator of C-BARQ

How to become a Good Breeder

Every breeder in our community is vetted. Here's how it works.

  • 1

    Sign up

    Complete our brief questionnaire.

  • 2

    Good Dog Review

    Our team will review your program.

  • 3

    Join our Community

    Get your certified badge and custom-designed profile.

We protect breeders' information.  Read our Privacy Policy.

Focus on your dogs, let us help with the rest

Let's protect the fundamental right to breed together...

The future of the dog world depends on dog breeders. The right to breed is under attack and the only way we will be able to preserve that right is by joining forces. That's why our community welcomes all dog breeders who meet our Community Standards and comply with our Good Breeder Code of Ethics. By uniting together, we can change the conversation and finally give our dogs the world they deserve.

Educate. Support.